Country: Catalonia
News . Events Let’s get active for mental health
Care Stage: Students did introductory activities on mental health. A total of 75 students participated.
Know stage: During participatory research in which they detected their needs and designed an action plan with various activities. They put mental health knowledge into practice and expanded it.
Stage Do: The activities were designed to be carried out the next course, we lacked time to do this stage.
Results related to the Open Schooling approach: Undoubtedly, participatory research has allowed them to treballar competències i sabers inclosos en el currículum de 3r d’ESO, però també d’altres que no hi estan directament especificades.
Support for the implementation of educational resources by: the department and the Living Lab of IrsiCaixa
Student results: The students were able to integrate certain knowledge and skills. Still, if we had given more time to conduct participatory research, the results would have been more satisfying. The students actively participate in the dynamics proposed to them.
News . Events In the CFGM of Pharmacy we promote our mental health
Care Stage: The students of the CFGM of Pharmacy made an analysis about health and its three branches and were very interested in working on the promotion of their mental health during their stay at the educational center. A total of 38 students participated in two groups (morning and afternoon).
Know stage: During the participatory research phase, during which they identified their needs and devised an action plan, students utilized their knowledge of mental health and habits. Additionally, they actively applied skills such as planning, organization, information retrieval, self-directed learning, and the application of acquired knowledge.
Do stage: Students conceived and implemented a mental health promotion action plan comprising four distinct activities. It was the students themselves who lead the sessions at the classroom.
Results related to the Open Schooling approach: Undoubtedly, participatory research has allowed them to not only develop the professional, personal, and social skills outlined in the curriculum of the CFGM Pharmacy and Parapharmacy but also provided them with the opportunity to enhance key cross-cutting skills essential for their future profession, such as autonomy, work organization, responsibility, and teamwork. Certainly, the inclusion of social actors in this research can further facilitate the cultivation and acquisition of these competencies and knowledge.
Support for the implementation of educational resources by: head of department
Student results: The students enthusiastically embraced the proposal and eagerly accepted the challenge to participate. We believe that this initiative has served as an excellent opportunity to shed light on the significance of mental health issues among young people. Simultaneously, it has enabled us to foster certain skills among the students through the application of scientific methodology throughout the entire process.
News . Events Let’s get active for mental health
Care Stage: Students did introductory activities on mental health. A total of 75 students participated.
Know stage: During participatory research in which they detected their needs and designed an action plan with various activities. They put mental health knowledge into practice and expanded it.
Stage Do: The activities were designed to be carried out the next course, we lacked time to do this stage.
Results related to the Open Schooling approach: Undoubtedly, participatory research has allowed them to treballar competències i sabers inclosos en el currículum de 3r d’ESO, però també d’altres que no hi estan directament especificades.
Support for the implementation of educational resources by: the department and the Living Lab of IrsiCaixa
Student results: The students were able to integrate certain knowledge and skills. Still, if we had Given more time to conduct participatory research, the results Had It was more satisfying. The students go Actively participate in the dynamics proposed to them .
News . Events In the CFGM of Pharmacy we promote our mental health
Care Stage: The students of the CFGM of Pharmacy made an analysis about health and its three branches and were very interested in working on the promotion of their mental health during their stay at the educational center. A total of 38 students participated in two groups (morning and afternoon).
Know stage: During the participatory research phase, during which they identified their needs and devised an action plan, students utilized their knowledge of mental health and habits. Additionally, they actively applied skills such as planning, organization, information retrieval, self-directed learning, and the application of acquired knowledge.
Estapa Do: Students conceived and implemented a mental health promotion action plan comprising four distinct activities. It was the students themselves who lead the sessions at the classroom.
Results related to the Open Schooling approach: Undoubtedly, participatory research has allowed them to not only develop the professional, personal, and social skills outlined in the curriculum of the CFGM Pharmacy and Parapharmacy but also provided them with the opportunity to enhance key cross-cutting skills essential for their future profession, such as autonomy, work organization, responsibility, and teamwork. Certainly, the inclusion of social actors in this research can further facilitate the cultivation and acquisition of these competencies and knowledge.
Support for the implementation of educational resources by: head of department
Student results: The students enthusiastically embraced the proposal and eagerly accepted the challenge to participate. We believe that this initiative has served as an excellent opportunity to shed light on the significance of mental health issues among young people. Simultaneously, it has enabled us to foster certain skills among the students through the application of scientific methodology throughout the entire process.
News . Events Open Schooling for mental health promotion
Taking care of young people’s mental health is a necessity. Schools are a fundamental part of their lives, so we could promote their emotional well-being. This year, we have implemented Healthy Minds, an Open Schooling project within the framework of the European project CONNECT, which aims to promote the mental health of students through a participatory research process. Another objective is to raise awareness that science and the scientific method can be useful in solving the challenges we face as a society and to abandon the idea “I’m not into science” that we often hear in the classrooms.
At the Caterina Albert High School in Barcelona, we have implemented Healthy Minds with a group of first-year baccalaureate students in the context of the subject of Scientific Challenges. During 2 sessions, we have conducted an analysis of the group members’ needs regarding mental health and prioritized them through a consultation process. We have designed and implemented an action plan based on various activities that address the prioritized needs, and we have evaluated the process and the learnings acquired regarding mental health and everything related to participatory research methodology. During the process, we had planned to involve families, but motivating them to participate has been a challenging task.
The results of implementing Healthy Minds in our school are still in a very early phase, although they reflect an increased awareness among students about the importance of promoting mental health. They have begun to integrate participatory research as a process to solve problems that affect them in collaboration with other stakeholders, and they have designed an action plan for the promotion of mental health. The activities that have been carried out are few, and we will evaluate how to implement it further in the coming school year by involving more stakeholders and incorporating it into the Educational Project of the school.
News . Events Participatory Research for Mental Health Promotion
The Guidance Department of CDP Juan XXIII Chana in Granada has implemented an educational project called “Healthy Minds”, within its Tutorial Action Plan, which involves participatory research with an Open Schooling approach, where the students themselves become active agents in promoting mental health. The implementation has been carried out within the framework of the European project CONNECT.
We have conducted this project with 6 class groups from 1st and 3rd year of Secondary Education (180 students and their families). Each group has worked through the sessions designed by Healthy minds, and we have implemented an action plan with various activities based on the identified mental health needs.
Firstly, we delved into the concept of health by analysing the definition proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO). Through this, we discovered that there are different types of health, not only physical but also social and mental. We analysed what they had in common and found that emotional well-being was the common term. At this point, the students identified risk and protective factors for mental health, based on which they prioritized the ones they considered most important to design and implement an action plan. Students proposed to create an “Emotional Kit” as a solution. They have suggested a set of tools to protect themselves in risky situations and promote emotional well-being. Finally, they reflected on the learning process and the impact on mental health promotion. Throughout the process, teachers and families have been involved, allowing for collaborative design of solutions.
Among the results and impact of Healthy Minds in our educational community, we can highlight a greater awareness among students of the need to focus on mental health and their ability to contribute to solving a problem that affects them through participatory research. The self-organization of students has also been promoted, and there has been a greater commitment from the school institution to improve mental health promotion. The school will start working on creating a physical space that promotes emotional well-being, which will be called the “Emotional Classroom”. Additionally, the Guidance Department will design interdisciplinary activities to promote students’ well-being in collaboration with the “Healthy habits and lifestyle” program already allocated at the school.
News . Events Participatory Research to improve mental health at the Vázquez Montalban Secondary School
Care: Students were worried about how to take care of their mental health. In total, 108 students who were 16-17 years old and were studying 1st year of Baccalaureate participated.
Know: The students learned about using the scientific method to solve real-life problems, biology concepts on mental health, and participation and communication skills. Other skills that the students put into practice were debating, asking questions, voting and consensus, co-creating recommendations and presenting results.
Do: In the end, the students participated in the Final Congress of Sentinel Schools presenting the recommendations for improvement agreed by the educational community. They completed the activities in groups and with the support of families, although not in full.
Findings related to Open Schooling approach: The activity includes aspects from the curriculum, but it is necessary to consider the time to spend on the activities to match them in the schedule. It was challenging to implement it because it was new to teachers, but very relevant and innovative. Open Schooling can be useful for other teachers because it allows them to work on any topic of interest with a very interesting collaborative approach
Change/innovation supported by:
[ ] schoolhead [ ] school association/network [ ] local government [X] Other: Living Lab for Health
Students’ Outcomes: The students fulfilled the task, but without too much motivation since it was not a topic that they had chosen. However, in the end they ended up happy with the results obtained.
This practice contributed to increasing:
[ x ] families’ engagement in science [X] girls’ participation in science. [ ] students’ science careers awareness
News . Events Students of Olivar Gran High Schools committed to mental health
Care: Students were interested in how they could improve their mental health by doing activities at their high school. In total, 78 students from the first year of Baccalaureate (16-17 years old) participated.
Know: The students improved their knowledge about mental health and explored the problems and opportunities that exist in their promotion. They put into practice skills such as debate, collaborative work, argumentation, voting and consensus and co-creation of recommendations for improvement.
Do: In the end, the students participated in the Final Congress of Sentinel Schools presenting the recommendations for improvement agreed by the educational community and the mental health promotion interventions that they had planned for that academic year. They completed the activities in groups and with the support of families, although not in full.
Findings related to Open Schooling approach: the activity includes concepts and competences included in the curriculum. Although it was a challenging proposal for teachers and students, it has been a very good experience that we recommend to other teachers to work innovatively in solving problems contextualized in their subjects.
Change/innovation supported by:
[x] schoolhead [ ] school association/network [ ] local government [X] Other: Living Lab for Health
Students’ Outcomes: The results were good, the students did a search for information about mental health and from there they detected the problems and opportunities for improvement in each category. In general, knowledge and skills increased.
News . Events Improving mental health in schools
Care: Students were interested and concerned around mental health, which is a real-life problem. The question we asked to attract the interest of students was: What is Mental Health for you? Do you think it can be cured? Students who participated in the activities were 52 students of 4th of primary, of 9 and 10 years.
Know: Students used knowledge about values and ethics, of the environment, of the senses and application of part of the scientific method. The skills that students practiced were to ask questions, analyze data, discuss claims and evidence, take and write conclusions.
Do: At the end, students prepared a mural with all the questions and answers of the research on mental health, with proposals for improvement and finally elaborated a presentation in digital format to prepare the participation in the sentinel congress held in the auditorium of the Cosmocaixa in Barcelona. They completed the activities in groups and supported by community members.
Findings related to Open Schooling approach: The activity did not fit in the curriculum. It was challenging and innovative. Open schooling might be useful for other teachers because it can change the vision of students in relation to mental health problems and how to help people who suffer from it.
Change/innovation supported by:
[X] schoolhead [ ] school association/network [ ] local government [X] Other: Living Lab for Health
Students’ Outcomes: Students learned about mental health concepts and that related diseases can be suffered by anyone and at any age. As an example, a student mentioned “When I talk to my psychiatrist, I feel much better”. With these words he shared and normalized going to the psychiatrist and the work that these specialists do.
News . Events Global Warming and Chemical Pollution
• Care: The students recognized the environmental problems that arise from human-made activities in shaping the climate, and in particular dealt with the factors that cause global warming and chemical pollution. In this phase, parents raised awareness together with their children about climate change, recognized the extent of chemical pollution and chose together the environmental issues that would be interesting to work with. We also created a padlet entitled “You can too to save the planet!” where we invited students to write down their thoughts on climate change or formulate a slogan for the good of the planet. The students who participated in the activities were 23 3rd grade high school students.
• Know: The students used knowledge from unvalidated scientific sources for environmental problems and then talked with special experts on chemical pollution of the air, water table, and the surface of the Earth and asked their questions based on the scientific data they presented. The modern teaching approaches that were used for the scenario were: the inquiry learning method that introduces scientific research into school practice, the experiential method, the cooperative teaching and the problem-solving method (Kalathaki, 2015). , discussing claims and evidence, drawing conclusions and composing group assignments.
• Do: At the end, students:
◦ calculated their ecological footprint together with their parents based on a specific questionnaire given to them
◦ come up with proposals that they believe can reduce their ecological footprint
◦ chose an environmental problem and did a research paper of their own choice and inspiration.
◦ created nine climate change awareness posters.
◦ they made a construction about the importance of recycling.
◦ created a presentation on acid rain
◦ created a board game with ecology questions called “The Eco-Snake”
◦ wrote lyrics to a rap song about the climate
◦ presented their work in the form of a report to their school for world environment day
◦ presented their work at the 4th Panhellenic Student Conference CONNECT2022 held online 20 & 21/05/2022
They completed the activities in groups or individually, supported by their teachers and families.
Conclusions on Open Schooling:
News . Events Science action on Health: prevention of Covid.19 at the school supported by participatory research (Best Practice – Spain)
CARE: The socio-scientific issue was on how to improve the prevention of Covid.19 at the school. The professionals that gave support were the scientific community from Escoles Sentinella project: science communicators, biologists, epidemiologists, paediatricians among others, helping on the facilitation of the participatory research. From an invitation letter to the project and with some previous knowledge explorations the students get fully committed to the project.
KNOW: As the activities were implemented from the tutoring sessions, the debate competence and also the citizenship education topic (social values content) were the aspects more worked using this CONNECT resource. Despite we did not go in depth with biological issues, the students also learned a lot about how the coronavirus is spread and why do we need those preventions measures to protect everybody from the transmission.
DO: Students developed communication skills and skills to create, design and edit video, as they chose disseminate their results through a video. Students also developed iinquiry skills, participation skills and transdisciplinary methodologies. The science actions included teamwork, collaborative learning within the class and with other stakeholders and that science useful to solve real-life challenges.
Findings about open schooling: The activity they did was adapted to the curriculum of Obligatory Secondary Education (ESO) and it was implemented at the tutoring sessions.
Results for students: Students get more confident on debating and on presenting their own opinions to the group. The activity has led to greater awareness of Covid-19 prevention and how the measures to achieve that can be improved by a participatory research process.
CONNECT Resources used: LINK